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The Football ForumThe Football ForumThe Football Forum

Who we are

About The Football Forum

The Football Forum is an international movement of football agents and players established in 2019. It is meant to be a forum where all participants may contribute to identify, implement and develop the best professional practice of football agency and the best employment-related standards for football players, to the benefit of its members and of the whole football family. 

Within The Football Forum, members may share their views and experience on all relevant topics and create strong relationships between them.  

The movement was further established to allow the development of common positions at an international level between agents, between players and among the two categories, and the representation of such positions in any appropriate venue. The Football Forum is committed to safeguard the reputation and the rights of its members.

The  Football Forum is fully engaged to be a constructive and permanent dialogue partner for all stakeholders in professional football.

Agents + Players

The Board

Rafaela Pimenta


Roger Wittmann


Jorge Mendes


Christian Rapp

Executive Vice-President

Joshua Barnett

Board Member

Luis Correia

Board Member

Jesse De Preter

Board Member

Marcin Kwiecień

Advisory Board Member

Our Values

The Football Forum promotes
high standards
of ethics

Player’s interests

The player’s interests always in the foreground: an agent’s interests shall be always in line with and subordinate to those of players he advises

Protection of minors

Minors are more vulnerable and special attention must be paid to their human development


Any real or potential conflict of interests must be immediately disclosed to players and clubs


Agents who accept a mandate must be sure to have all the necessary time and skills to deliver the highest standards of assistance to players


Our members who are agents are in competition with each other. Nevertheless, they commit to find solutions to common problems and to respect the rights of the other members
Player's interests Protection of minors Transparency Services Members

The player’s interests always in the foreground: an agent’s interests shall be always in line with and subordinate to those of players he advises.

minors are more vulnerable and special attention must be paid to their human development

any real or potential conflict of interests must be immediately disclosed to players and clubs.

agents who accept a mandate must be sure to have all the necessary time and skills to deliver the highest standards of assistance to players

Our members who are agents are in competition with each other. Nevertheless, they commit to find solutions to common problems and to respect the rights of the other members.